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Health Benefits of Figs

Figs have been associated with health and prosperity since ancient times. They’re symbolically linked to Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, and were offered to the god Bacchus in ancient Rome.Not your typical fruit, figs are technically a collection of inverted flowers that, if left alone, would bloom from the inside out. They grow commonly in the Mediterranean and the Middle East — locations that are hot, sunny, and dry for a large portion of the year.Before sugar became popular, figs were commonly used to sweeten desserts — you’ve probably heard of “figgy pudding.” Today, as people begin to turn away from refined sugars, many are turning back to figs to provide a healthier alternative.

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Health Benefits

One reason many healthy eating websites feature food with figs is that figs satisfy sweet cravings while also providing many important health benefits. In fact, even if you’re not looking to satiate a sweet tooth, you may benefit from adding figs to your diet. Here are some of the health benefits you can expect to enjoy when you eat figs.

Reduce High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can lead to complications like heart disease and stroke. One factor that leads to high blood pressure is a potassium imbalance caused by eating too much sodium and not enough potassium.

Figs are a potassium-rich food and can help correct that imbalance. Meanwhile, high levels of fiber in figs can help to flush excess sodium from the system.

Improve Digestion

Digestive issues range from constipation to diarrhea. At both ends of the spectrum, increasing fiber intake can help. In addition to their high fiber content, however, figs aid digestion in another way. They are an excellent source of prebiotics, which improve overall gut health.

Increase Bone Density

Figs are a good source of both calcium and potassium. These minerals can work together to improve bone density, which can, in turn, prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

Studies suggest that a potassium-rich diet, in particular, can improve bone health and reduce bone turnover. Meanwhile, calcium is a key structural component of bones, and increasing calcium intake has been shown to improve bone mineral structure in children and adolescents.

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